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Morecambe Writer Types

Morecambe Writer Types

an anthology



poets of the Big White Shed

Christopher Towers

Christopher Towers

Return to the Hinterlands

Jack Washingdale

Jack Washingdale


Lisa Moore

Lisa Moore

and... she dances

Michelle Hubbard

Michelle Hubbard

D.A.D. Diagnosis Alzheimer's Dementia

Hongwei Bao

Hongwei Bao

Dream of the Orchid Pavilion

Anne Holloway

Anne Holloway

Earth's Restless Hum

Ben Macpherson

Ben Macpherson

Serious Nonsense

Ben Macpherson

Ben Macpherson

Serious Nonsense II

Martyn Potts

Martyn Potts

beneath a northern sky

Keith Ford

Keith Ford

Matters of Life and Death

Vron McIntyre

Vron McIntyre

writing at risk

Frank McMahon

Frank McMahon

Denim Blue by Night

Hannah Fries

Hannah Fries




Press Play

Dave Wood

Dave Wood


Frank McMahon

Frank McMahon

Bare Trees

Allen, Grevel, Stewart

Allen, Grevel, Stewart

Crone Chronicles

Christopher Towers

Christopher Towers


Amy Neilson

Amy Neilson

Riding The Sensory-Sonic Slide

Bruce Stewart

Bruce Stewart

Has Michael Finn Been in Today?

Jodie Whitchurch

Jodie Whitchurch

Haven't the Foggiest

Jay Sandhu & others

Jay Sandhu & others


Jack Young

Jack Young


Vron McIntyre

Vron McIntyre

Random Trail

Frank McMahon

Frank McMahon

When Will I Be Zen

Anne Holloway

Anne Holloway

A Poet Lives Here

Sue Traverso

Sue Traverso

Which Way To Go

Philippa Sharp

Philippa Sharp

It All Began With...

Christopher Towers

Christopher Towers

21 Days

Gail Webb

Gail Webb

The Thrill of Jumping In

Vicky Pealing

Vicky Pealing

Clouds & Linings

Margaret Gosley

Margaret Gosley

Some Poems Past Present & Future

Nottingham Writers Studio

Nottingham Writers Studio

Black Lives




Thom Seddon

Thom Seddon

Choose Your Own Mediocre

Philippa Sharp

Philippa Sharp

Light The Blue Touch Paper

Anne Holloway

Anne Holloway

There Are No Photographs

Frank McMahon

Frank McMahon

Denim & Leather

Nottingham Castle

Nottingham Castle

Guide Book

Rise Learning Zone

Rise Learning Zone

Poems Out Of School II

Sue Allen

Sue Allen

Finding Comfort in Salt

Maresa MacKeith

Maresa MacKeith

I Can Still See The Sky

Kevin Jackson

Kevin Jackson

Loves Burn

Hazel Warren

Hazel Warren

To See The Moon

Dan Webber

Dan Webber

Genre Fluid

Bea Udeh

Bea Udeh

Dream Drops & Okra

Write Minds

Write Minds

Madder Than We Look

Trevor Wright

Trevor Wright

Salt Flow

Akor Opaluwah

Akor Opaluwah

The one about...

Anne Holloway

Anne Holloway


Stephen Thomas

Stephen Thomas

Alphabet Spaghetti



Survivors Speaking For a Change

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