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Finding yourself 'stuck' in one area of your life can impact on the other areas too.

We can offer advice, mentoring, Book Coaching and general coaching sessions. Coaching is a useful way to explore where we are, how we got here and where we are heading. ​


Anne Holloway completed her coaching training with Relational Dynamics1st and NAWE (National Association of Writers in Education) in 2012 and finds the coaching techniques work particularly well to support writers and non-writers in their career progression and day-to-day lives. Relational Dynamics coaching is very much led by the coachee, and using the coach as a sounding board for ideas.


Sessions tailored specifically to you include:



  • setting writing habits & goals

  • how to approach your writing 

  • how to progress your writing career



  • identifying the sticking point

  • finding your own solutions

  • goal setting


After an initial 30-minute consultation we agree the rate for further sessions, reflecting the type of programme you choose. 

Initial 30-minute consultation FREE please book here


£30 single1 hour session

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£100 per block of 4 sessions

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In Person

£35 single 1 hour session

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In Person

£120 per block of 4 sessions

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Through goal setting together, we support you in finding your own solutions to move you forward in your life or writing.  A full course of coaching may not be the best option for you, with this in mind our offer includes coaching, consulting, advising and mentoring. Dependant on your needs we work out a programme of support which is right to you.

Anne has been mentoring creative practitioners and professionals for a decade, in developing their careers and creating clear pathways, offering support and guidance on specific projects or in a broader context. Her experience includes working with young poets, community organisations, schools including alternative provision.  She has experience of supporting and promoting mental wellbeing and offers a safe environment to explore sensitive issues around interpersonal relationships, personal development and achieving a better understanding of yourself and those around you, and is Creative Lead on Surviving by Storytelling, a project in association with the Institute of Mental Health, Nottingham.​​


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