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Choose your Own Mediocre

Project Type: Publication

Genre: Poetry/Fiction

Title: Choose Your Own Mediocre

Author: Thom Seddon

Cover Design:

Format: Paperback

Price: £12.00

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You’ve just picked up the brand-new collection from an audacious up-and-comer! You love a little bit of everything, from comedic poetry to gritty prose, so there’s no harm in trying something different. This could be your latest favourite read by your new favourite writer! What’s the worst that could happen, right? Anything to escape the banality of everyday life.


If you decide to risk it all and investigate this stomach-churningly exhilarating book, turn to page number 1. If you’re too scared, turn to the last page and miss out. Whatever you decide, be careful! There are dangerous ideas at every turn! Who knows, you could get stuck in a dingey flat always full of wet washing, or have a thrilling encounter with a stranger on a train…


What happens next in the story? It all depends on the choices you make. How does the mediocrity end? Only you can find out! And the best part is that you can keep going and going until you’ve had not one but many incredibly mediocre experiences!

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