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Which Way To Go

Project Type: Publication

Genre: Fiction

Title: Which Way To Go

Author: Sue Traverso

Cover Design: Richard Heaven

Cover Illustrations: Lillian Shaw

Format: Paperback


£9.99 + £3.20 p&p 

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Which Way To Go is a debut novel written with humour and ease, moving us effortlessly through Zoe's story - life isn't always as straightforward as she imagined, however 'unbelievably dull' she considered herself to be.


The characters in this book have been in Sue's head for a long time but it was lockdown that gave her the time to get the story written down. The manuscript really only needed a light touch, as she had asked friends and family to edit as she was writing. So with a few suggestions and tweaks and a final proof by us, we were ready to go.  


Sue wanted to use the illustrations by Lillian Shaw for her cover, so we asked Richard Heaven to create a design incorporating these on the front and back.


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