Project Type: Publication
Genre: Poetry
Authors: various (edited by Anne Holloway)
Cover Design: Robert Lever
Format: Paperback
Price: £8.00

We invited the poets who have worked with us over the years, to submit poems which capture the spirit of winter for them. We have gathered 27 poems from 20 poets - they are funny, thoughtful, joyous and sad - they are about nature, the weather, the landscape, and the nature of we humans, as well as our winter festivals and habits all gathered into a tiny book measuring148mm x 148mm
You can find out about the poets here:
​Michelle Mother Hubbard
Sue Allen
Helen Sadler
Thom Seddon
Keith Ford
Vicky Pealing
Beverly Frydman
Ben Macpherson
Clare Stewart
Kevin Qweaver Jackson
Gail Webb
Chris Towers
Jodie Whitchurch
Dave Wood
Cathy Symes
John Humphreys